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Parking lots are near capacity. Please consider alternative transportation to the Airport. Questions please call Operations at 307-413-1516.


5°F / -15°C

NE 7 mph

Work on a variety of capital projects began during the spring of 2024 at the Jackson Hole Airport (JAC). These projects include environmental projects, refurbished & replaced infrastructure projects, and routine maintenance. Safety, efficiency, and protecting the environment are top priorities at JAC, and these commitments are considered with every project as they conceived, designed, and developed.

Environmental Projects

Vehicle Service Road – Completed

To protect an existing irrigation ditch and maintain safety area standards defined by the Federal Aviation Administration, the Vehicle Service Road (VSR) was relocated to the western edge of the Airport’s perimeter fence. A small bridge was installed to cover and preserve a water culvert. The VSR project was completed in late July and the road is back in service.

Deicing Pad – Multiyear Project

The deicing pad is being expanded to increase deicing pad capacity. The glycol (aircraft deicing fluid) collection system will also be modified to accommodate the larger deicing pad, which allows spent glycol to be captured, separated from run-off water, and recycled or removed.

The deicing access taxilane and the north taxiway A will also undergo rehabilitation to allow aircraft queuing for deicing to wait on the access taxilane which will improve efficiency and eliminates the need for aircraft to wait on designated aircraft parking spaces needed for other planes.

These improvements will increase deicing capacity and operational efficiency by reducing aircraft deice times, departure delays caused by deicing needs, and wait times experienced with the current pad configuration.

The rehabbed taxiway leading up to the deicing pad will reduce emissions from idling aircraft by allowing them to wait for deicing services close to the pad instead of parking at a designated gate close to the terminal.

The Deice Pad & Taxiway A – North Improvements Project will be split into 2 Phases.

Phase 1 includes taxilane and taxiway rehabilitation. Phase 2 will include expansion of the deice pad and glycol collection system. Work relative to Phases 1 and 2 began in 2023 and the project is expected to be completed in 2026.



Refurbished & Replaced Infrastructure Projects

Terminal Roof Project: November 2nd -22nd of 2024

The roof over JAC’s Security Screening Checkpoint (SSCP) was originally installed in 2022. The Airport was notified by our engineering team of an issue with the size and configuration of four roof trusses in the SSCP. Upon inspection, no damage was observed on the truss members or welds, and the structural engineers determined that there is not a concern with the structural integrity of the roof trusses. However, it was determined, upgrades to the structural conditions of the trusses and web members would benefit from additional support for full snow loading.

Nighttime work will begin November 4th to allow the installation of four temporary columns, without interrupting the security screening of passengers at the Airport. The temporary columns will remain in place until spring when a permanent solution with a clear span will be constructed.


Air Traffic Control (ATCT) Tower 

ATCT improvements include installing a new roof on the tower, installation of new consoles, radios, beacon, electric boilers, and a generator. Replacing the Tower’s gas boilers with electric boilers will reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. The Tower’s incandescent beacon will be replaced with a LED beacon, which will also reduce energy use. This project is expected to be completed by the end of this summer, and the ATCT will remain operational while the work takes place.

Airport Administration/Fixed Based Operator (FBO) Terminal & Hangar 4 Demolition

Hangar 4 was over 30 years old and was demolished in Late April of 2024. In its place will stand a new facility used for Airport Administrative Offices and the FBO Terminal.

Upon completion, this building will be the most environmentally respectful facility Jackson Hole Airport has constructed to date.


A. The white solo is part of the temporary concrete batch plant which became operational in late March of 2024. The batch plant is expected to be active from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. through October of 2024, and nighttime work is not expected.

Crews will be using the concrete as they work on improvements to the Airport’s Vehicle Service Road, Air Traffic Control tower improvements, and expansion of the deicing pad which includes taxi lane and taxiway rehabilitation.

A. Rebuilding the facility is necessary because the current structure has reached its end-of-life. Upon completion the new structure will provide airport staff with much-needed administration offices, training, and meeting spaces. The ground level floor of the proposed facility will be utilized by FBO staff, pilots, and customers to serve general aviation aircraft. The ground level includes FBO staff offices, operations and fueling support spaces, pilot flight planning center, and a lobby. The basement level includes additional support and storage space.

A. Terminal facilities do not influence a customer’s or pilot’s decision to travel to Jackson Hole. The rebuilt offices and terminal will provide a facility that incorporates safe, efficient, and industry-leading environmental standards that are consistent with the rest of the facilities at the Airport. An increase in general aviation traffic is not anticipated.

A. Airport revenues and revenue bonds will be used to pay for the facility. Sources of airport revenue include fuel sales, landing fees, and hangar rents. The revenue bonds (loan) used for the construction of this facility will be paid back over time using FBO revenues.

The Airport does not receive any local sales or property tax dollars and the costs associated with each facility at the Airport are paid for by the revenue generated by the users of those facilities.

The Airport stockpiles materials dug up during construction projects and reuses it. The large pile of dirt located to the south of the runway will always remain between 20-40ft tall as materials are excavated and reused. Having native materials remain onsite for future projects reduces the number of construction trucks on our local roadways as materials are not being trucked in or out of the facility.

A. Please contact the Airport’s Communications Manager, Meg Jenkins by emailing or calling (307) 699-4387.

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5°F / -15°C

High 29°F / -2°C
Low 6°F / -14°C

Cloud Coverage: 0%
Visibility: 6.2 miles
Wind: 7 mph NE

  • Sunday

    31°F / -1°C

    SW 7 mph
  • Monday

    35°F / 2°C

    SSW 9 mph
  • Tuesday

    37°F / 3°C

    SW 11 mph
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