Completed Environmental Projects

In 2011, The Jackson Hole Airport received LEED Silver Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council for the Terminal Building Expansion (2010-2015).
During the expansion project, the Airport incorporated LED lighting in the new baggage claim building, installed low-flow water plumbing fixtures, purchased regional and recycled material and Forest Stewardship Council Certified Timber for construction.
Post expansion, the Airport partnered with Lower Valley Energy to conduct an Energy Audit which helped identify measures to reduce the Airport’s energy consumption by 117,900 Kilowatt Hours per year.
Jackson Hole Airport’s maintenance vehicles have been designated as a GreenFleet annually from2017-2024, through Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities, for consistently updating the current fleet with alternative fuel vehicles. The Airport currently operates two plug-in all-electric maintenance vehicles and has implemented a company-wide anti-idling policy.
In July of 2019, the Jackson Hole Airport earned the Business Emerald Sustainability Tier certification (BEST). The BEST program was created to provide an opportunity and platform for those Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (RRR) Business Leaders that want to elevate their sustainability practices to higher levels of environmental and community stewardship and economic vitality. The Jackson Hole Airport joins a growing group of businesses and organizations including the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, Elk Refuge Inn, Flat Creek Ranch and Jackson Lake Lodge to achieve third-party BEST certification by the Riverwind Foundation, the originator of the BEST Program.
The Jackson Hole Airport is a current member of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Business Leaders.
JAC Airport purchases 100% GreenPower from Lower Valley Energy.
The Airport provides two dual Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations that have the capacity to charge eight electric vehicles. These stations are located in rows 10 and 11 of the main parking lot and row 23 of the overflow parking lot.
There is a Bear Spray Rental Kiosk open seasonally in the baggage claim building.
There are two bear spray recycling stations located at the Airport. Canisters are collected and sent to a facility in Montana where they are discharged and recycled.
There are four multi-stream recycling stations available in the terminal for recycling aluminum, plastic, and newspaper.
The Airport also recycles cardboard, white paper, glass, magazines, textiles, fluorescent bulbs, ink/toner cartridges, batteries, and e-waste.
The Airport has three hydration stations that can be used to refill reusable water bottles. Since the installation of these systems in 2013, they have provided over 525,954 water refills, preventing thousands of plastic bottles from entering the waste stream.
In 2019, the Airport completed a state-of-the-art stormwater filtration system that filters all of the water collected on the Airport campus and is designed to handle a 100-year storm event.